
What Is the Cost to Become Your Legal Point of Contact?

The annual fee depends on the number and type of products but the following is generally true:


Up to 20 products

Guaranteed fast and professional service, and we:

  • Verify the Declaration of Conformity and technical file
  • Store the documents for 10 years
  • Provide the legal use of our address
  • Swift response to market surveillance authorities requests for information.
Get Started


Up to 50 products

Guaranteed fast and professional service, and we:

  • Verify the Declaration of Conformity and technical file
  • Store the documents for 10 years
  • Provide the legal use of our address
  • Swift response to market surveillance authorities requests for information.
Get Started


Up to 1000 products

The fee includes guaranteed fast and professional service, and we:

  • Verify the Declaration of Conformity and technical file
  • Store the documents for 10 years
  • Provide the legal use of our address
  • Swift response to market surveillance authorities requests for information.
Get Started


For bespoke one-off machinery

Guaranteed fast and professional service, and for a one-time fee we:

  • Verify the Declaration of Conformity and technical file
  • Store the documents for 10 years
  • Provide the legal use of our address
  • Swift response to market surveillance authorities requests for information.
Get Started

For an additional fee we:

  • Communicate with market surveillance authorities on your behalf
  • Support you with further compliance efforts
  • Handle any recall issues